Introduction to computer (कंप्यूटर से परिचय) topic involves the study of the history, components, and functionalities of computers. It encompasses understanding the basic concepts of hardware and software, computer architecture, data representation, and computer networks. The field also covers topics such as programming languages, algorithms, and data structures, as well as computer security and ethics. Overall, the introduction to computer topic provides a foundation for understanding how compu
RSCIT iLearn Assessment - कंप्यूटर से परिचय with answers.
RSCIT iLearn Assessment - 1 - कंप्यूटर से परिचय - के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर पढ़ने वाले है, वो भी उत्तर कुंजी (Answer Key) के साथ। कंप्यूटर से परिचय के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर देखने के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करे.
1  Desktop and Personal computer are also known as _______
A. Super Computer
B. Quantum Computer
C. Mainframe Computer
D. Micro Computer
2  The basic architecture of computer was first developed by
A. Blaise Pascal
B. Garden Moore
C. Carles Babbage
D. John Von Neumann
3  The Personal computer industry was started by-
B. Apple
D. Compaq
4  All Modern computers work on-
A. Field
B. Word
C. Information
D. Data
5  FLOPS Stands for__________
A. Floating Point Operation Per Second
B. File Processing Operation Per Second
C. Floating Processing Operation Per Second
D. File Loading Operation Per Second
6  The Capacity to perform multiple tasks simultaneously is termed as ______
A. Diligence
B. Versatility
C. Reliability
D. All of the above
7  Which generation computer uses integrated circuits (Ics)?
A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth
8  Which of the following is not the classification of computer based on application?
A. Electronic Computers
B. Digital Computers
C. None
D. All of the above
9  Which CPU component was used in second generation computers?
A. Vacuum Tubes
B. Transistor
C. LSI chips
D. VLSI chips
10  Which of the following is are characteristics of computer?
A. Diligence
B. Versatility
C. Reliability
D. All of the above
11  The computer that processes both analog and digital is called-
A. Analog Computer
B. Digital Computer
C. Hybrid Computer
D. Mainframe Computer
12  Stored program concept was developed by-
A. Maurice Wikes
B. Von Neumann
C. Charles Babbage
D. None of the above
13  Which of these does not support multiple users at the same time
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Workstation Computer
C. Mini Computer
D. None of these
14  LCD Stands for-
A. Liquid Crystal Display
B. Liquid Colour Display
C. Light Colour Display
D. None of the above
15  Which was India's first computer installed and when?
A. Indian Institute of Science, Banglore 1953
B. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi 1961
C. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, 1955
D. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, 1951
16  What is the name given to molecular scale computer
A. Supercomputer
B. Microcomputer
C. Nanocomputer
D. Fermocomputer
17  Locate data item from storage is?
A. Database
B. Fetch
C. Feed
D. Field
18  India's first supercomputer Param 8000 Was launched in year -
A. 1990
B. 1991
C. 1989
D. 1992
19  India's first supercomputer is?
A. Agni
B. Flow Solver
C. Param
D. Trisul
20  Which characterstic of computer distinguishes it from electronic calculation?
A. Accuracy
B. Storage
C. Versatility
D. Automatic
21  Which of these is a feature of mini computer?
A. Support multiple users
B. It has low weight
C. It can be carried anywhere
D. All of the above
22  Which of these does not support multiple users at the same time?
A. Mainframe computer
B. Workstation Computer
C.  Mini Computer
D. none of these
23  Correct order of the four major functions of a computer
A. Process-Output-Input-Storage
B. Input-Process-Output-Storage
C. Input-Output-Process-Storage
D. Process-Storage-Input-Output
24  The term computer is derived from:
A. Greek
B. German
C. Sanskrit
D. Latin
25  On the basis of data handling capabilities, which of these are valid types of computers?
A. Analog Computer
B. Digital Computer
C. Hybird Computer
D. All of the above
26   ENIAC is developed by-
A. John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
B. Von Neumann
C. John W Mauchley
D. All of the above
27  What is the mean by dedicated computer ?
A. Which is assign 1 and only 1 task
B. Which was 1 kind of software
C. Which is used by 1 person only
D. Which is meant for application s/w
28  Which of the following is a smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working?
A. Super Computer
B. Quantum Computer
C. Mainframe Computer
29  Which of the following uses a handheld Operating Systems?
A. Super Computer
B. Laptop
C. Mainframe Computer