मोबाइल डिवाइस/स्मार्टफ़ोन के साथ कार्य करना
RSCIT iLearn Assessment - मोबाइल डिवाइस/स्मार्टफ़ोन के साथ कार्य करना with answers.
RSCIT iLearn Assessment - 10 - मोबाइल डिवाइस/स्मार्टफ़ोन के साथ कार्य करना - के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर पढ़ने वाले है, वो भी उत्तर कुंजी (Answer Key) के साथ। मोबाइल डिवाइस/स्मार्टफ़ोन के साथ कार्य करना के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर देखने के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करे.
1  Below View is-
A. Normal
B. Outline
C. Slide Sorter
D. none of these
2  Which Shortcut key is used to start the presentation from the current slide?
A. Alt + F5
B. Shift + F5
C. Shift + F2
D. F5
3  When using Power Point show from the beginning, select?
A. View, Slide
B. Slide show, From beginning
C. View Outline
D. All of the above
4  How can you create a custom animation path for an object in Power Point?
A. Use the Animation Painter
B. Draw a motion path using the Drawing Tools
C. Adjust the Animation Option in the Animation pane
D. Apply a predefined motion effect from the Transition tab
5  What is the purpose of the Smart Art feature in Power Point 2019?
A. Insert animated shapes
B. Create dynamic charts
C. Build graphical representations of information
D. Add 3D effect to images
6  To inserting summary zoom slides-
A. Insert > Links group > Zoom drop down menu
B. Click Summary Zoom
C. Select slides and click on insert
D. All of the above
7  How can you add a transition between slides in Power Point ?
A. Go to the Transitions tab and choose a transition effect
B. Right -click on a slide and select Add Transition
C. Use the =TRANSITION() formula
D. Transition effect are automatically applied in Power Point
8  How can you Change the aspect ratio of a Power Point presentation ?
A. Go to Slide Show tab and choose Aspect Ratio
B. Use the Slide Size option in the Design tab
C. Change the screen resolution of your computer
D. Aspect ratio cannot be modified in Power Point
9  How do you add a video to a Power Point 2019 slide?
A. Use the Insert Video option in the Insert tab
B. Copy and paste the video URL into the slide
C. Drag and drop the video file onto the slide
D. Video cannot be added to Power Point
10  Which key can be used to view slide show?
A. F5
B. F2
C. F6
D. F10
11  Want your logo in the same position on every slide automatically insert it on?
A. Notes Master
B. Slide Master
C. Handout Master
D. All of the above
12  To apply design theme-
A. Select the Design tab, then on the Theme group, click on next to the last Theme
B. Click on a Theme of your choice
C. Option 1 and 2 both
D. None of the above
13  Which Shortcut is used to open the all slides dialog box during the slideshow in powerpoint 2019?
A. F5
B. Ctrl + S
C. F1
D. Ctrl + A
14  How can you password-protect a PowerPoint presentation?
A. Use the Save As dialog and set a password for the presentation
B. Go to the File tab, Select Info, and choose Protect Presentation
C. Password Protection is not available in PowerPoint
D. Apply a password to the PowerPoint appliacation itself
15  In Microsoft Power Point 2019 which key is used to open the animation tab?
A. Ctrl + A
B. Alt + A
C. Ctrl + B
D. Ctrl + X
16  What is the purpose of Notes pane in Power Point?
A. Write notes for the audience
B. Add speaker notes for the presenter
C. Create additional slides
D. Change the font size of the notes
17  How can you hide a slide in Power Point without deleting it?
A. Right- click on the slide and choose Hide Slide
B. Use the Hide option in the Home tab
C. Apply a custom animation to make the slide invisible
18  What is the maximum number of slides per page you can include in handouts?
A. 4 Slides
B. 9 Slides
C. 6 Slides
D. The number of slides per page is not customizable in PowerPoint
19  What does the Rehearse Timings feature in PowerPoint allow you to do?
A. Rehearse the delivery of the presentation
B. Set specific timings for each slide
C. Record the presentation for playback
D. Adjust the transition effect between slides
20  Which shortcut key is used to go to the first slide?
A. Home
B. End
C. Shift + Home
D. Tab
21  In MS PowerPoint 2019 which key is used to insert a hyperlink?
A. Alt + K
B. Ctrl + K
C. Ctrl + B
D. Ctrl + H
22  Importing word document outlines in slides includes-
A. Select Home> New Slide, Now select slides from Outside
B. Select Insert Outline Dialog Box> Word Outline> Click Insert
C. Option 1 and 2 both
D. None of the above
23  What is the purpose of the Header and Footer options in the Handout Master?
A. Add page numbers and date to handouts
B. Insert a header image on each handout page
C. Apply animation effect to header and footers
D. Headers and footers are not available in Handout Master
24  Which shortcut is to justify the selected text in PowerPoint 2019?
A. Ctrl + J
B. Ctrl + G
C. Ctrl + B
D. Ctrl + A
25  Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?
A. Outline
B. Notes
C. Slides
D. All of the above
26  What is the purpose of the Animation Painter in PowerPoint?
A. Paint animations directly on slides
B. Copy animations from the one object to another
C. Change the color of animations
D. Create custom animations
27  In MS PowerPoint which shortcut key is used to activate the pen tool during the slideshow in?
A. Alt + T
B. Ctrl + P
C. Alt + P
D. Ctrl + T
28  In MS PowerPoint 2019 which key is used to open the review tab?
A. Ctrl + S
B. Ctrl + R
C. Alt + R
D. Ctrl + B
29  Red marking labelled feature present in which tab?
A. Home tab
B. Insert tab
C. Animation tab
D. Design tab
30  How can you customize the color scheme of handouts in PowerPoint?
A. Use the color-picker tool in the Handout Master
B. Go to the design tab and choose a color theme
C. Handout color schemes are automatically based on the slides design
D. Use the format backgroud option in handout master