A computer system is a collection of hardware, software, and peripheral devices that work together to process data and perform tasks. The hardware components include the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (such as hard drives or solid-state drives), input devices (such as keyboards or mice), output devices (such as monitors or printers), and other components that facilitate communication and data transfer within the system. The software components include the operating system, applications, and other programs that allow users to interact with the system and perform tasks. Together, these components enable computers to perform a wide range of functions, from basic arithmetic operations to complex calculations and data processing tasks.
RSCIT iLearn Assessment - कंप्यूटर सिस्टम with answers.
RSCIT iLearn Assessment - 2 - कंप्यूटर सिस्टम - के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर पढ़ने वाले है, वो भी उत्तर कुंजी (Answer Key) के साथ। कंप्यूटर सिस्टम के महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न-उत्तर देखने के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करे.
1  Which is Output Device ?
A. Printer
B. Mouse
C. Joystick
D. All of the above
2  Which of the following has largest memory size ?
A. Terabyte
B. Kilobyte
C. Gigabyte
D. Megabyte
3  Hard disk is coated in both side above -
A. Optical metallic oxide
B. Carbon layer
C. Magnetic metallic oxide
D. All of the above
4  Microprocessors can be used to Make?
A. Computer
B.  Digital system
C. Calculator
D.  All of the above
5  What is light pain?
A. Optical output device
B. Electronic output device
C. Optical input device
D. Electronic input device
6  Virtual memory is-
A. Extremely large main memory
B. Extremely large secondary memory.
C. An illusion of extremely large and main memory.
D. An illusion of extremely large secondary memory
7  The brain of any computer system is-
B. Memory
D. Control Unit
8  Which swapping device is used to hold the images of pages in main memory?
A. Punch Card
C. Paging Drum
D. None of these
9  Hard disk drives are …..storage
A. Non volatile
B. Flash
C. Temporary
D. None of the above
10  Hard disk is coated in both side above -
A. Optical metallic oxide
B. Carbon layer
C. Magnetic metallic oxide
D. All of the above
11  EPROM can be used for-
A. Erasing the contents of ROM
B. Erasing the reconstructing the contents of ROM
C. Reconstructing the contents of ROM
D. Duplicating ROM
12   A small or intelligent device is so called because it contains in a-
A. Computer
B. Micro computer
C. Programmer
D. Sensor
13  CPU does not perform-
A. Logical operation
B. Transfer of data
C. Automatic calculation
D. All of the above
14  Which of the following is a valid set of input devices?
A. Light Pen, Scanner, Plotter
B. OCR, Monitor, MICR
C. Scanner, MICR, Touch Screen
D. OMR, Printer, Barcode Reader
15  Transformation of input into output is performed by-
B. Memory
C. Storage
D. All of the above
16  Inkjet is-
A. Disc
B. Aeroplane
C. Bus
D. Printer
17  It is required to refresh after a certain time interval
A. Static Ram
B. Dynamic RAM
C. Magnetic Memory
D. Optical Memory
18  Thermal, laser, inkjet printers are-
A. Impact
B. Non Impact
C. Both
D. None of the above
19  Who used punched card partially for the first time in the history of computer?
A. Charles Babbage
B. Howard Aikein
C. Dr. Herman Hollerith
D. Joseph Jacquard
20  Transformation of input into output is performed by-
B. Memory
C. Storage
D. All of the above
21  Which part interprets pragram instruction and initiate control operation-
A. Logic unit
B. Storage Unit
D. Control Unit
22  Data Fed to Computer is Called-
A. Output
B. Algorithm
C. Input
D. Flow Chart
23  Cache Memory acts a buffer between
D. CPU & Hard Disk
24  CPU does not perform -
A. Logical operation
B. Transfer of Data
C. Arithmetic calculation
D. All of the above
25  Which one of the following is not the auxiliary or secondary memory of the computer?
A. Magnetic Tape
B. Floppy Disc
C. Hard Disc
26  The Output Quality of a Printer is measured by -
A. Dot per Sq inch
B. Dots per inch
C. Dots printed per unit
D. All of the above
27  Which of the following is a valid set of input devices?
A. Light Pen, Scanner, Plotter
B. OCR, Monitor, MICR
C. Scanner, MICR, Touch Screen
D. OMR, Printer, Barcode Reader
28  Transformation of input into output is performed by-
B. Memory
C. Storage
D. All of the above
29  Inkjet is-
A. Disc
B. Aeroplane
C. Bus
D. Printer
30  It is required to refresh after a certain time interval
A. Static Ram
B. Dynamic RAM
C. Magnetic Memory
D. Optical Memory
31  Thermal, laser, inkjet printers are-
A. Impact
B. Non Impact
C. Both
D. None of the above
32  Who used punched card partially for the first time in the history of computer?
A. Charles Babbage
B. Howard Aikein
C. Dr. Herman Hollerith
D. Joseph Jacquard
33  OMR represents-
A. Optical Manual Rader
B. Optical Mark Recognition
C. Operator Mark Reader
D. Optional Mark Reader
34  Floppy disc is-
A. Fast Storage
B. Flexible Storage
C. Permanent Storage
D. None of the above
35  Main storage is also called-
A. Register
B. Memory
D. Control Unit
36  Which unit holds data temporarily?
A. Input unit
B. Output Unit
C. Primary memory unit
D. Secondary storage unit
37  ……………. Bits equal to 1 byte?
A. 2
B. 1000
C. 8
D. 45505
38  Speed of laser printer is measured by-
39  RAM is also called-
A. Non-volatile memory
B. Read/Write memory
C. Core memory
D. None of the above