
1. I ______get good marks in English.
 1  am
 2  will be
 3  will
 4  doesn't
2. Sir …................. thinking about the topic for last few minutes.
 1  has been
 2  is
 3  were
 4  NOTA
3. Let result get ______.
 1  declared
 2  declare
 3  declard
 4  decleaed
4. What is the 2nd form of SLAP
 1  Slop
 2  Slaped
 3  Slapt
 4  NOTA
5. Suddenly door _______opened .
 1  is
 2  was
 3  getting
 4  got
6. My mother ____ flaunting , what should ___ do to___ her.
 1  keep, I, stopping
 2  keeps, I, stoped
 3   keeps, I, stop
 4  keep, I, stop
7. _____had bicycle in childhood and I used to_____bicycle.
 1  We, Ride
 2  I, Ride
 3  She, Ride
 4  He, Ride
8. Synonym of "Requisite" is ….............................
 1  Adequete
 2  Ample
 3  Important
 4  NOTA
9. Synonym of verb MOTIVATE
 1  Parrotize
 2  Patronige
 3  Patronize
 4  Boast-up
10. Choose the correct Sentence
 1  We had joined TILS
 2  We had join TILS
 3  We had to Joined TILS
 4  We has joined TILS
11. what will be the helping verb in ' रहा/रही/रहे+ होंगे '
 1  will have
 2  will
 3  will be
 4  will have been
12. Books ____ getting____.
 1  keeps, sold
 2  keep, sell
 3  keep, sold
 4  keep selling
13. What are the 2nd and 3rd form of Run-up
 1  Ran-up
 2  Run-up
 3  Runned-up
 4  NOTA
14. Raju_________ Selected by H.R. in Reliance Company for next 4 years.
 1  Have Been
 2  Had Been
 3  Has Been
 4  Has Got
15. Choose the correct Sentence
 1  I have going for walk
 2  I am gone for walk
 3  I have been going for walk
 4  I has to go
16. I …......... speak there.
 1  Was going to
 2  Am going to
 3  Am about to
 4  AOTA
17. Which is Perfect Set of all 3 forms ?
 1  Drive, Driven, Driven
 2  Drive, Drived, Drived
 3  Drive, Drove, Driven
 4  Drive, Droved, Driven
18. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Convenence
 2  Conveyence
 3  Conviniense
 4  Convenience
19. What is the 2nd form of MAR
 1  Mare
 2  Marred
 3  Married
 4  Mared
20. Find the incorrect
 1  She should have come.
 2  He must come
 3  I have to come
 4  If I was coming
21. Ankita ma'am used to______us_____to class monitor.
 1  Makes, Teach
 2  Makes, Teaches
 3  Make, Teach
 4  Making, Teach
22. Find correct - ' गलती हो जाती हे '
 1  mistake get happened
 2  mistake got happened
 3  mistake gets happened
 4  mistake is happened
23. If In sentence "We should study" should is replaced with must be then study will be replaced with?
 1  Studied
 2  To study
 3  Studying
 4  NOTA
24. Poor ______ pining for food.
 1  was
 2  are
 3  is
 4  will
25. Which form of main verb, we apply for ' आ,ई,ऐ+ह '
 1  2 nd form
 2  3 rd form
 3  1 st form
 4  ing form
26. …............... knowledge is not enough, we should …............ that in life as well.
 1  having, applying
 2  having, apply
 3  have, apply
 4  have, applying
27. Does he _____ beating to you?
 1  keep
 2  keeps
 3  kept
 4  NOTA
28. I ____ facing problems because I have to become a good businessman.
 1  keeps
 2  let be
 3  will keep
 4  NOTA
29. He is expert of computer so he ….............. install the software?
 1  Will
 2  Will be able to
 3  Might
 4  Has to
30. One person said me that God ___________ seeing you.
 1  have been
 2  has been
 3  is
 4  B or C both
31. I have not done it…..................
 1  Neither
 2  Nor
 3  Also
 4  Either
32. When I entered her house, she___________ her hair.
 1  was combing
 2  was making
 3  was setting
 4  Showed me
33. He …............ come to my home and we …..............have lunch together.
 1  used to, would to
 2  used to be, would
 3  used to, would
 4  didn't used to, would be
34. English of गिरना
 1  Fall, Fell, Fallen
 2  Fell, Fall, Fallen
 3  Fell, Felled, Felled
 4  Fall, Falled, Falled
35. Postpond is _________________
 1  1st form
 2  2nd form
 3  3rd form
 4  NOTA
36. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Statutory
 2  Satutory
 3  Stetutory
 4  Statutry
37. Doesn't she ______ manner to speak
 1  has
 2  had
 3  have
 4  keeps
38. Her husband ________ her badly.
 1  beat
 2  beats
 3  do beat
 4  don't beat
39. Rohan_____to mug-up because he_____ be intelligent.
 1  Didn't used, Would
 2  Didn't use, Would
 3  Wouldn't, Used to
 4  Nota
40. He has decided and now he …............... accomplish it.
 1  Had to
 2  Shall
 3  Has to
 4  Can
41. Find the unsuitable pair of modals.
 1  Are to, were to
 2  Is to, has to
 3  Has to, am to
 4  NOTA
42. Country …...................... only when people are hardworking.
 1  gets developed
 2  get develop
 3  get developed
 4  NOTA
43. I have never been in Surat. Which tense is this?
 1  Perfect Tense
 2  Continuous Tense
 3  Perfect Conitnuous Tense
 4  Indefinite Tense
44. English word for झाड-फूक करना
 1  Exorcise
 2  Exercise
 3  Exercize
 4  Exocise
45. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Inlightenment
 2  Enightment
 3  Enlitement
 4  Enlightenment
46. He used to be Alumni of IIM Ahmedabad. Is it correct Sentence?
 1  Yes
 2  No
 3  Depends on Condition
 4  NOTA
47. choose correct - तुम तरस रहे होंगे
 1  will not be
 2  will had been
 3  will have not
 4  will be
48. She _______ know anything about it.
 1  don't
 2  doesn't
 3  isn't
 4  haven't
49. ______made us watch movie.
 1  Parents
 2  Father
 3  Mother
 4  All of these
50. What are the 2nd and 3rd form of SMITE
 1  Smot, Smotten
 2  Smite, Smitten
 3  Smote, Smitten
 4  Smited, Smited