
1. What is the 2nd form of HUM
 1  Humed
 2  Ham
 3  Hummed
 4  Humming
2. I _____ come on time daily.
 1  am
 2  was
 3  did
 4  do
3. She____money, she____money and she will_____money.
 1  Had, has, has
 2  Had, has, Have
 3  Had, Have, Has
 4  Has, Has, Had
4. Let result get ______.
 1  declared
 2  declare
 3  declard
 4  decleaed
5. Were they ______ you?
 1  molest
 2  molesting
 3  molested
 4  molests
6. Which modal will you use for showing regret of not doing something?
 1  Could have
 2  Could be
 3  Might
 4  Will have to
7. Thomas Edison got birth before marriage of his mother, in this case he was….....
 1  Illegal Son
 2  Step Son
 3  Ilegitimate off-spring
 4  All of the above
8. What are the 2nd & 3rd forms of TAKE.
 1  taked, taked
 2  took, taken
 3  taked, token
 4  took, taked
9. I ____ studying despit it I failed.
 1  keeps
 2  will keep
 3  kept
 4  A & B
10. Synonym of verb MOTIVATE
 1  Parrotize
 2  Patronige
 3  Patronize
 4  Boast-up
11. What to____?
 1  saying
 2  said
 3  says
 4  say
12. Raju_________ Selected by H.R. in Reliance Company for next 4 years.
 1  Have Been
 2  Had Been
 3  Has Been
 4  Has Got
13. You will ____ opportunity to speak in front of people.
 1  got
 2  get
 3  keep get
 4  be get
14. I will start …................. there.
 1  for come
 2  come
 3  coming
 4  to coming
15. A person is in formal dress so he ….............. be a businessman.
 1  May
 2  Might
 3  Must
 4  NOTA
16. Friends ______ make you _______ audio.
 1  will, listen
 2  will, listning
 3  will, listened
 4  will keep, listen
17. When to____.
 1  woke-up
 2  wakes-up
 3  waking-up
 4  wake-up
18. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Felicitation
 2  Fellicitation
 3  Felisitation
 4  Felisitasion
19. She..................... her knowledge.
 1  keeps excel
 2  keep excelling
 3  kept excel
 4  keeps excelling
20. If I …................ going then I …............... tell you.
 1  Would , would be
 2  Would, would
 3  Would be, would
 4  Will be, would
21. If In sentence "We should study" should is replaced with must be then study will be replaced with?
 1  Studied
 2  To study
 3  Studying
 4  NOTA
22. How___ to ____?
 1  much, read
 2  many, read
 3  many, reads
 4  NOTA
23. Our thoughts ….......................... Clashed.
 1  are getting
 2  are get
 3  was getting
 4  gets
24. I …..................... this hair cut.
 1  has had
 2  have had
 3  had have
 4  will had
25. He does not know …............
 1  either
 2  too
 3  also
 4  AOTA
26. Have_____ ever_____ with any accident?
 1  he, met
 2  you, met
 3  you, meet
 4  You, did meet
27. A verb which is related to EXAMPLE
 1  Examplify
 2  Exemplify
 3  Both A & B
 4  Exam
28. English of दांत दिखाना
 1  Grin
 2  Show teeth
 3  Green
 4  Rinse
29. Poor ______ pining for food.
 1  was
 2  are
 3  is
 4  will
30. I …......... speak there.
 1  Was going to
 2  Am going to
 3  Am about to
 4  AOTA
31. Teacher was…................... on stage.
 1  make speak
 2  Making speaking
 3  Make speaking
 4  making speak
32. Life_________________better if I pushed myself a bit harder than I did.
 1  could have been
 2  can have been
 3  might have been
 4  NOTA
33. English word for झाड-फूक करना
 1  Exorcise
 2  Exercise
 3  Exercize
 4  Exocise
34. I have not done it…..................
 1  Neither
 2  Nor
 3  Also
 4  Either
35. Country …...................... only when people are hardworking.
 1  gets developed
 2  get develop
 3  get developed
 4  NOTA
36. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Alltitute
 2  Altitude
 3  Altitute
 4  Altutite
37. When I entered her house, she___________ her hair.
 1  was combing
 2  was making
 3  was setting
 4  Showed me
38. Muniba ma'am had ______ struggling in car ______ hours.
 1  been , for
 2  been, since
 3  being , for
 4  being ,since
39. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Statutory
 2  Satutory
 3  Stetutory
 4  Statutry
40. If In sentence "I start to cheat myself" start is replaced with started then cheat will be replaced with its?
 1  M.V. 2nd form
 2  M.V. ing from
 3  M.V. 3rd form
 4  No Change
41. He has _______ working _____ 1998.
 1  been , for
 2  be , for
 3  been , since
 4  NOTA
42. Doesn't she ______ manner to speak
 1  has
 2  had
 3  have
 4  keeps
43. Choose correct Spelling
 1  Inlightenment
 2  Enightment
 3  Enlitement
 4  Enlightenment
44. Hindi meaning of 'Deliberately'
 1  सूझ-बूझकर
 2  सोच-समझकर
 3  पूरी तरह से
 4  जान-बूझकर
45. He has decided and now he …............... accomplish it.
 1  Had to
 2  Shall
 3  Has to
 4  Can
46. Find the unsuitable pair of modals.
 1  Are to, were to
 2  Is to, has to
 3  Has to, am to
 4  NOTA
47. I ____ fear to speak English so I ____use to endeavor to speak English.
 1  Has, Didn't
 2  Had, Don't
 3  Had, Didn't
 4  Has, Doesn't
48. Her husband ________ her badly.
 1  beat
 2  beats
 3  do beat
 4  don't beat
49. He used to be Alumni of IIM Ahmedabad. Is it correct Sentence?
 1  Yes
 2  No
 3  Depends on Condition
 4  NOTA
50. Extending version of DID as helping verb is
 1  Are
 2  Done
 3  Was
 4  Has