Fixed Prepositions with Examples (List -5)

Category: English || Published on : 2020-06-18 14:30:40 || Author : TILS Education 18824

Here is a list of some fix prepositions which commonly confuse a new learner and become hurdle on the path to be perfect at this global language:

208) Sacred to (pious)
 Cows for instance are sacred to Hindus.
209) Satiated with (satisfied)
 It is only when you are satiated with your dreams.
210) Satisfied with (contended)
 I have never been satisfied with my work.
211) Save from (rescue)
 He tried to save something from his travel expenses
212) Search for (to find)
 He probably went to search for some good stuff.
213) Sensible of (practical)
 It is sensible of you to follow her advice
214) Sensitive to (responsive to)
 I'm very sensitive to the cold, so I think I'd better put on a sweater
215) Sentenced to (punish)
 He was sentenced to death.
216) Sick of (not well, tired of something)
 He was sick of being stuck in traffic.
217) Sorry for (regretful)
 She was genuinely sorry for hurting his feelings.
218) Stick to (firm)
 Why don't you make up your mind and stick to just one?
219) Subject to (dependent or conditional on)
 This image is subjected to copyright.
220) Subsist on (depend on)
 For months together a Rohan will subsist on vegetables.
221) Suffering from (undergoing pain, disgust, hardship etc.)
 She's suffering from a serious disease.
222) Sufficient for (enough)
 He had a small private income which was sufficient for his family.
223) Suitable to (be acceptable to)
 Every girl must have courage to select someone who is suitable to her values.
224) Sure of (certain)
 I will put all the possible efforts to be sure of getting a place.
225) Surprised at (amazed)
 I was a little surprised at her sudden ignorance towards me.
226) Sympathise with (pity)
 I sympathize with him about what he is going through.
227) Show off (draw attention to oneself)
 I was showing off her new car to the neighbors.
228) Speak for (to support/ testify someone)
 I would be happy to speak for you in court.
229) Speak of (reflect a particular quality)
 Cherry's behavior spoke of a good upbringing.
230) Strive for (try)
 We must strive for the greatest authenticity possible.
231) Strive with (competing)
 Don’t strive with the inhumans.
232) Side with (favour)
 He would never side with those who are unjust.
233) Seek (try to find shelter)
 He sought shelter in the house of his relatives.
234) Seek for (try to win)
 He seeks for his aim in his life.
235) Suffer from (hardship)
 He is suffering from cancer.
236) Substitute for (replacement)
 He will be substituted for old one.
237) Shoot at / strike at (unsuccessful in attempt)
 The police shot at the thief who escaped in darkness.
238) Slow at (sluggish)
 They are extremely slow at making decisions.
239) Talk over (to discuss)
 Let's talk over the plan after school.
240) Think of (contemplate)
 Whenever I see a rainbow, I think of her.
241) Think over (ponder over something)
 Let me think over this issue..
242) Threaten with (frighten)
 The principal threatened the rowdy students with rage.
243) Tired of/with (exhausted)
 I'm tired of all the lies in this relationship.
244) Tolerant of (patient)
 Do you think he'll be as tolerant of your principles as I am?
245) True to (honest)
 One must be true to one’s word.
246) Trust in (believe in something or someone)
 Can I trust in him?
247) Turn to (to seek or expect something from someone or something)
 I turn to my dictionary for help.
248) Useful for (productive)
 Dispirin are useful for headaches.
249) Useful to (beneficial)
 It can be useful to write a short note.
250) Versed in (highly experienced)
 She is versed in the art of cooking.
251) Void of (devoid of, empty)
 Suddenly the heart was void of emotions.
252) Vain of (proud of)
 Though she is rich, but not vain of her wealth.
253) Want of (absence)
 What makes life dreary is the want of a motive.
254) Weary of (tired)
 He was weary of study.
255) Wanting in (lack of)
 They were skilled, but wanting in discipline.
256) Yearn for (crave)
 She yearned for the return to her own home.
257) Zeal for (passion)
 She had a true zeal for journalism.

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